

Aye...! Wow... yesterday woke up early, it was Good Friday... me & family usually go every year... but who noes when reach there, the service started earlier(my parents didnt noe!)... no point to go oredi coz they were abt to leave... So... How?

Marina Bay was nearby! & the restaurant was just completed... me n family went there to take a look...

wow... 1st thing u'll definitely notice: The Architecture... very traditional, very classic, Its a work of art! everything part from the 'tiang' to the wall is added wif traditional Southeast Asia art! yeah!!

Me & mother at the front door... ____________________________________________________

Pics!(Pics taken wif hp phone) The ground floor... wif bar...

Check out the traditional atap... lolx

Hohoho... The 1st Floor

hohoho~ check out the Seahorse King of Miri... Got crown ler!!

There are stairs which u can walk up to the statue but its currently locked... dunno will it be opened to public or not... o__o

I'm having my next Birthday Party at the restaurant For Sure!

These days play alot of basketball... competition coming soon... wish me luck...