Revoltech Yoko


I got HG Nu Gundam & Fraulen Revoltech Yoko from my sis few weeks ago & i loved it...

Kaiyodo Revoltech is famous for making model characters from anime series's's... lol... most common is Macross series, Street Figther, Transformers, and most recently is Gurren Lagann... unfortunately they do not make Gundam series... but dont worry.. we got Robot Damashi :)

A collection of Revoltech toys...

looks normal at first... but its a Revoltech!
Revoltech is famous for its revolutionary design n articulation... dats right... it means you can pose just about any pose u want it to be... Take a look:

angry :@

and no... i do not watch the series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann so i do not noe who is she D: but i love the model..

cant pose as good as the box cover... :(

There will be a Yoko: Movie Ver. coming out soon... no preview yet... cant wait to c how it looks...

if i ever go to KL again maybe i'd buy another.... :)