3 Fockers. u heard me.
On the way to airport... was waiting for boarding... still got abt 45 mins... haiz boring... there was a group of people from a company which i cant say lol.... they were annoying la... their like the sombong popular kids of the elder folks... anyways it was boarding time... n they were cutting the queue! ngai ti... wan like this mer... a dozen of them was cutting the line... sien... finally got into the plane... decided to sit at the back side... how cool! only me sit 1 row... mana tahu!! 2 fat guys sit at my row....!! O___O yarabii... n they were snoring the whole ride...! diao hai... hahaha... after 2 sleepless hours finally reach KL... it was my 1st time at LCCT btw....
omg wat a relief after a bad plane experience... =___= I finally get to c Aw after 1 year... hes got everything going on maan! formal clothes, he seems to be doing got in the MLM business... his gf was wif him... life seems to be gud for him... He made a very lame joke.... "Let me show u my car... is not SLK Mercedes, is SLK(Small Little Kancil)"... o___o SUPER LAME EH!! hahaha... he was kind enuff to give me a ride... he said he needed to stop at Bangi 1st then go for lunch b4 sending me to IMU... whoa Bangi is actually worse than Pujut Corner... no offense o__O Aw's gf did sumthing painful for the eyes to c... Aw bought the new road tax sticker, n his gf was scraping the old sticker at the car window wif a penknife! whoa! thank god the car isn't new.... speechless la really... Aw wanted to bring me to Kajang to try the infamous Kajang satay... we eventually reach there... Aw got the ticket for parking n drove in... but the restaurant was closed!!! noone thought abt Puasa!!! haha.... so we got out paying for the parking for nothing... 'dats it man take me to IMU' i said haha... It was a long ride.... kelapa sawit are everywhere! reminds me of Bintulu...
Finally reached IMU... so this is where my frens r studying at... the place looks big to me at 1st (but actually its sumthing like M2)... lol i thought its bigger than Riamtech but after going back to skool... riam's bigger o___o but who cares abt size! We don't know which block chung is staying at! Aw called him a couple of times he wouldnt answer(he didnt say he was having cheerleading practise) yarabii no wonder la... so we called chong ngie instead... luckily can call him... yeah we meet again brother... ;) duh only last minute then chung told us dat ahloo gonna pick us... fuiyoh suddenly saw a City park near us... its ahloos car lol... so we said goodbye to the bust Aw Guan Zhouu n chilled at ahloo's place b4 going out... wat a coincidence dat his sis isn't staying there so got place to sleep... lol...
2 pros...
yeah lets go IMU for a lookaround... me curious... its a small place but its nice inside hehe... 1st thing i c when i step inside is the cheerleading... n everyone i knew was in there... haha... they were screaming out 'brother!' as usual... ahah... ahloo showed me sumthing... it seems to be like a scoreboard... so all the competitions that their having is this thing called the IMU Cup... whoa im beginning to think dat i really really came at the wrong time... they gave a tour me around IMU... its nice... their stairs is escallator... groovy! y izit not working? 1 room caught my eye... Disciplinary Room.... LOL! wat the... i wonder wat they do to undisciplined students... o___o
After the cheerleading practise we went to this place called the Red Bean... yeah they sell Red Bean products... i dunno la... im not use to eating these kinda foods... their kinda too 'mentah' for me... even the drinks... but its worth trying lo...
"What's the plan?" we asked... apparently that their having a basketball competition that night... well since everyone is going... lets go lo... then i heard a bad news... the competition will be until 10 or 11... wah lao eh... its not dat i dont wanna c the guys play but i didnt come for this... but when the game reli started, i was reli into it lol... the guys did well haha... esp sheah lin... haha... i even cheered for M206?! felt kinda awkward but i did it anyways... we all called michelle n wished her happy birthday... n chong ngie n ahfoo was totally confused on how to pull out toilet paper from the toilet roll holder... bodoh lah them LOL....
Someone said "Don't hate the players, hate the game" which hav nothing to do wif this photo!!
The games over... we went to a place n i had lasagna... finally after 4 years my 1st lasagna T---T xin fu de feeling... me n chung had a loong discussion abt whats the plan for the next day... i tot our discussion will never end... but it did... :) kaka... tired, we went back to ahloo's for sleep... yeah i reli needed becoz i had no sleep on the plane!!! tomoro is a big day... o__o
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